Araw ng Kagitingan Celebration
The Bataan Day or most popularly known as “Araw ng Kagitingan” is a national observance in the country which is being celebrated every 9th of April. This is to commemorate the historical battle of Bataan where the brave Filipinos fought during the fall of Bataan on Aril 9, 1942. The Battle of Bataan was fought by the United States and the Philippine Commonwealth against Japan during World War II. The said battle represented the most intense phase of the Japanese invasion of the Philippines during World War II. On April 9, 1942, officials in command of Bataan – where Filipino and American forces maintained the main resistance in the war against the Japanese – formally surrendered. They said that the reason of the fall of Bataan is that when the Japanese renewed their offensive on April 3, 1942 with fresh troops supported by heavy artillery, thanks and air attack, the American survivors on the Bataan Peninsula were also weakened by disease and starvation that they were unable to offer an...